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Lot 1: Acquisition of office supplies; 5. Lot 2: Acquisition of specific sports and leisure equipment and supplies; 6. Lot 3: Maintenance and servicing of two (02) wheeled vehicles

Direction Provinciale des Sports et des Loisirs de la Kompienga Burkina Faso has Released a tender for Lot 1: Acquisition of office supplies; 5. Lot 2: Acquisition of specific sports and leisure equipment and supplies; 6. Lot 3: Maintenance and servicing of two (02) wheeled vehicles in Industry. The tender was released on Aug 27, 2024.

Country - Burkina Faso

Summary - Lot 1: Acquisition of office supplies; 5. Lot 2: Acquisition of specific sports and leisure equipment and supplies; 6. Lot 3: Maintenance and servicing of two (02) wheeled vehicles

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 91553549

Product classification - Office supplies

Organization Details:

  Address - Burkina Faso

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 91553549

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Lot 1: Acquisition of office supplies;5. Lot 2: Acquisition of specific sports and leisure equipment and supplies;6. Lot 3: Maintenance and servicing of two (02) wheeled vehiclesnotice_title: Lot 1: Acquisition of office supplies;5. Lot 2: Acquisition of specific sports and leisure equipment and supplies;6. Lot 3: Maintenance and servicing of two (02) wheeled vehiclesnotice_contract_type: Serviceslocal title:: Lot1 : Acquisition de fourniture de bureau ;5. Lot2 : Acquisition de matériels et de fournitures spécifiques de sport et de loisirs ;6. Lot3 : Entretien et maintenance de véhicule a deux (02) roues;

Gt Ref Id - 91553549

Deadline - Sep 03, 2024

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