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Country - Romania
Summary - Lot 1 A.Creating. Transport Of Snt And Safety Of Juice Supply. Ișalnița Electrocentral B.Conducta Nt Hurezani - Bibesti - Nt Turburea C. Safe Subtraction Subversion Bad Gilort With Juice Pipe. Turceni Electrocentrals-The Tanantanconducta Conduct Lot 2-Capacit. Transport Of Snt And Safety Of Juice Supply. Turceni Electrocentral
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 102904078
Product classification - Construction work for gas pipelines
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102904078
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The contracting entity intends to conclude a sectoral contract having as object Lot 1: A. Increasing the transport capacity of the SNT and the safety of the natural gas supply of the Ișalnița electrocentral branch no. Tg_inv_10731/2023 ; B. NAT NT Hurezani - BIBEȘTI - NT Turborea, Gorj County, PT county. Tg_ inv_1 0755/2023; C. Safe Subversion Subversion Gilort with the natural transport pipe of the Turkish electrocentral branch-Tanceni-Turceni natural gas carrier; Lot 2 - Increasing the transport capacity of the SNT and the safety of the natural gas supply of the Turceni Electrocentral Branch - Natural Gas Transportation - Turceni, Gorj county, PT no. Tg_inv_10730/2023The dea
Gt Ref Id - 102904078
Deadline - Feb 28, 2025
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