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Country - Burkina Faso
Summary - Lot 6. Cleaning of the Bobo Dioulasso Administrative Hotel Lot 7.Guarding of the Administrative Hotel of Bobo Dioulasso Lot 8.Provision of coffee breaks, lunch breaks, room rental, rental of equipment and materials
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97542076
Product classification - Cleaning services
Address - Burkina Faso
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97542076
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Lot 6. Cleaning of the Bobo Dioulasso Administrative HotelLot 7.Guarding of the Administrative Hotel of Bobo DioulassoLot 8.Provision of coffee breaks, lunch breaks, room rental, rental of equipment and materialslocal title:: Lot 6.Netto yage de l’Hôtel Administratif de Bobo DioulassoLot 7.Gardiennage de l’Hôtel Administratif de Bobo DioulassoLot 8.Fourniture de pauses-café, de pauses déjeuner, location de salles, location matériel et équipementContract Type: : Service
Gt Ref Id - 97542076
Deadline - Nov 29, 2024
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