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Country - Costa Rica
Summary - [Ly] P131 - Health Registry And Statistics Service Offices And Other Administrative Areas
Deadline - Jan 02, 2025
GT reference number - 99536541
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Costa Rica
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99536541
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: P131 - HEALTH REGISTRY AND STATISTICS SERVICE OFFICES AND OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE AREASlocal title:: [LY] P131 - OFICINAS DEL SERVICIO DE REGISTRO Y ESTADISTICA DE SALUD Y OTRAS AREAS ADMINISTRATIVASContract Duration: : 1 AƱoslocal descrip tion: : P131 - OFICINAS DEL SERVICIO DE REGISTRO Y ESTADISTICA DE SALUD Y OTRAS AREAS ADMINISTRATIVASGross Budget LC: : 827940178.0 est_amount: 827940178.0 lot_details: 1: CONSTRUCTION, REMODELING OR REPAIR OF PREMISES, 2: INSPECTION, TESTING AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE FOR FIXED FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS, 3: Preventive and corrective maintenance of air conditioning equipment, which should include labor, diagnosis, supply of necessary spare parts, repair
Gt Ref Id - 99536541
Deadline - Jan 02, 2025
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