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Maintenance and refurbishment works of the seawater pumping and desalination stations Djerba and maintenance and refurbishment of the valve chamber of the Djerba-Mezraya reservoirs and Maintenance works of the metal framework of the 2x2500 station of Djerba

Societe nationale d'exploitation et de distribution des eaux Tunisia has Released a tender for Maintenance and refurbishment works of the seawater pumping and desalination stations Djerba and maintenance and refurbishment of the valve chamber of the Djerba-Mezraya reservoirs and Maintenance works of the metal framework of the 2x2500 station of Djerba in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Mar 08, 2025.

Country - Tunisia

Summary - Maintenance and refurbishment works of the seawater pumping and desalination stations Djerba and maintenance and refurbishment of the valve chamber of the Djerba-Mezraya reservoirs and Maintenance works of the metal framework of the 2x2500 station of Djerba

Deadline - Jun 13, 2025

GT reference number - 104635337

Product classification - Ancillary works for pipelines and cables

Organization Details:

  Address - Tunisia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104635337

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Maintenance and refurbishment works of theseawater pumping and desalination stations Djerba andmaintenance and refurbishment of the valve chamber of theDjerba-Mezraya reservoirs and Maintenance works of the metal framework of the2x2500 s tation of Djerbalocal title:: Travaux d'entretien et de rémanenagement desstations de station de pompage et dedessalement eaux de mer Djerba et 'entretien etde réamenagement de chambre des vannes desréservoirs Djerba-Mezraya et Travauxd'entretien de la charpente méatllique de lastation 2x2500 de djerbaContract Type: : Service

Gt Ref Id - 104635337

Deadline - Jun 13, 2025

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