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Country - France
Summary - Maintenance And Service Market For Individual Gas Boilers, Gas Bath Heaters, Gas Vmc And Statomechanical Extractors As Well As One-Off Services Lot 1: Arènes Courbessac Agency Lot 2: Maison Carrée Saint Césaire Agency Lot 3: Sud Gard Agency Lot 4: Gard Rhodanien Agency
Deadline - Jan 16, 2025
GT reference number - 98822971
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services of boilers
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98822971
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Maintenance And Service Market For Individual Gas Boilers, Gas Bath Heaters, Gas Vmc And Statomechanical Extractors As Well As One-Off Services Lot 1: Arènes Courbessac Agency Lot 2: Maison Carrée Saint Césaire Agency Lot 3: Sud Gard Agency Lot 4: Gard Rhodanien Agencylocal title:: MARCHE D'ENTRETIEN ET MAINTENANCE DES CHAUDIERES INDIVIDUELLES GAZ, CHAUFFE-BAINS GAZ, VMC GAZ ET EXTRACTEURS STATOMECANIQUES AINSI QUE DES PRESTATIONS PONCTUELLES Lot 1 : Agence Arènes Courbessac Lot 2 : Agence Maison Carrée Saint Césaire Lot 3 : Agence Sud Gard Lot 4 : Agence Gard RhodanienContract Duration: : Marché de 1 an reconductible 3 fois Enchère électronique : non Cautionnement et
Gt Ref Id - 98822971
Deadline - Jan 16, 2025
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