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Maintenance, repair and installation of domestic wastewater drainage pipes for the duty post of the circulating pump station area, oil port, central control house and irrigation pipes

CHI NHANH TỔNG CONG TY DIỆN LỰC DẦU KHI VIỆT NAM- CONG TY CỔ PHẦN - CONG TY DIỆN LỰC DẦU KHI NHƠN TRẠCH Vietnam has Released a tender for Maintenance, repair and installation of domestic wastewater drainage pipes for the duty post of the circulating pump station area, oil port, central control house and irrigation pipes in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Dec 02, 2024.

Country - Vietnam

Summary - Maintenance, repair and installation of domestic wastewater drainage pipes for the duty post of the circulating pump station area, oil port, central control house and irrigation pipes

Deadline - Nov 29, 2025

GT reference number - 98834555

Product classification - Sewerage work

Organization Details:

  Address - Vietnam

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98834555

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Maintenance, repair and installation of domestic wastewater drainage pipes for the duty post of the circulating pump station area, oil port, central control house and irrigation pipeslocal title:: Bảo dưỡng sửa chữa, lắp đ t đường ống thoát nước thải sinh hoạt cho chốt trực khu vực trạm bơm tuần hoàn, cảng dầu, nhà điều khiển trung tâm và đường ống tưới câyNet Budget LC: : 594786227.0

Gt Ref Id - 98834555

Deadline - Nov 29, 2025

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