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Country - Spain
Summary - Maintenance Services For Existing Intrusion Alarm Installations In The Different Municipal Facilities Of The Vilanova I La Geltrú City Council, As Well As The Modification Of These Installations To Adapt Them To Regulations, And The Corresponding Connection And Service To The Alarm Receiving Center (Cra)
Deadline - Jan 07, 2025
GT reference number - 98821254
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98821254
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Maintenance services for existing intrusion alarm installations in the different municipal facilities of the Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council, as well as the modification of these installations to adapt them to regulations, and the cor responding connection and service to the alarm receiving center (CRA)local title:: Serveis de manteniment de les instal·lacions de d’alarmes d’intrusió existents en els diferents equipaments municipals de l’Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geltrú, així com la modificació d’aquestes instal·lacions per adaptar-les a la normativa, i la corresponent connexió i servei a central receptora d’alarmes (CRA)Contract Type: : Servicelocal descrip
Gt Ref Id - 98821254
Deadline - Jan 07, 2025
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