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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Major Renovation And Provision Of Necessary Equipment To 30 Apartments Located In Nakhchivan City, Babek Neighborhood 25 And N.Tusi Street
Deadline - Mar 05, 2025
GT reference number - 103237019
Product classification - Road-construction materials
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103237019
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Major Renovation And Provision Of Necessary Equipment To 30 Apartments Located In Nakhchivan City, Babek Neighborhood 25 And N.Tusi Streetlocal title:: Naxçıvan şəhəri Babək məhəlləsi 25 və N.Tusi küçəsində yerləşən 30 mənzilin əsaslı təmiri və zəruri avadanlıqlarla təmin edilməsi lot_details: 1: Major renovation of apartments and purchase of necessary equipment, 2: Major renovation of apartments and purchase of necessary equipment, 3: Major renovation of apartments and purchase of necessary equipment, 4: Major renovation of apartments and purchase of necessary equipment, 5: Major renovation of apartments and purchase of necessary equipment, 6: Major r
Gt Ref Id - 103237019
Deadline - Mar 05, 2025
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