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Country - Austria
Summary - Market Research - Real Estate Project Development Altes Landgut Wien
Deadline - Feb 03, 2026
GT reference number - 102618920
Product classification - Building construction work
Address - Austria
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102618920
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The client intends to grant one or more building rights for the purpose of realising the real estate project development “Altes Landgut – neugedacht” (Favoriten distribution group).local title:: Markterkundung - Immobilien-Projekte ntwicklung Altes Landgut WienContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Der Auftraggeber beabsichtigt zum Zwecke der Realisierung der Immobilien-Projektentwicklung “Altes Landgut – neu gedacht” (Verteilerkreis Favoriten) eines oder mehrere Baurechte zu vergeben. dispatch_date: 2025-01-31 00:00:00 lot_details: 1: Market research - Real estate project development Altes Landgut Wien
Gt Ref Id - 102618920
Deadline - Feb 03, 2026
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