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Country - Switzerland
Summary - Master Construction Work, Total Renovation Of Tschamut-Dieni, Sontga Brida
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 80421908
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Switzerland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 80421908
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The section of the route under consideration connects the Tschamut-Selva and Dieni train stations and begins at approx. km 84,109 and therefore shortly before the end of the rack, which is located at km 84,185. The track then runs parall el to the Oberalpstrasse in the direction of Dieni, before it moves away from the road at km 84,425, branches off in a left curve through the rock cut between km 84,608 and 84,704 and crosses under the natural stone arch bridge at km 84,660 . After a short intermediate straight, the track flows into Dieni station after a right curve at approx. km 84,942. The project perimeter ends shortly before at km 84,926. The railway line in the section under
Gt Ref Id - 80421908
Deadline - May 17, 2024
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