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Medical Gases (Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen).

თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტი Georgia has Released a tender for Medical Gases (Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen). in Chemicals. The tender was released on Nov 06, 2024.

Country - Georgia

Summary - Medical Gases (Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen).

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 97098632

Product classification - Gases

Organization Details:

  Address - Georgia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 97098632

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: 1. Medical oxygen - cylinder 3 lit. 150 atm. Gas, colorless, odorless, 99.5% (with the buyer's cylinders) - 50 cylinders2. Medical oxygen - cylinder 5 lit. 150 atm. Gas, colorless, odorless, 99.5% (with the buyer's cylinders) - 1200 cyli nders3. Medical oxygen - cylinder 10 lit. 150 atm. Gas, colorless, odorless, 99.5% (with the buyer's cylinders) - 300 cylinders4. Medical oxygen - cylinder 40 liters. 150 atm. Gas, colorless, odorless, 99.5% (with buyer's cylinders) - 1000 cylinders5. Argon - cylinder 3 lit. (with the purchaser's cylinders) - 10 cylinders6. Carbon dioxide - cylinder 10 lit. (with the purchaser's cylinders) - 200 cylinders7. Nitrogen - cylinder 12 lit. (with the p

Gt Ref Id - 97098632

Deadline - Nov 18, 2024

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