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Country - Belgium
Summary - Medical Supplementary Feeding And Tube Feeding
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 80989776
Product classification - Enteral feeds
Address - Belgium
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 80989776
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: This order is issued by the non-profit organization Algemeen Ziekenhuis Klina, Augustijnslei 100, 2930 Brasschaat, KBO no. 0434.302.850, hereinafter also referred to as the “Contractor” and “AZ Klina”. The person to whom the gove rnment contract will be awarded is referred to as the “restrained tenderer”.For more information about AZ Klina, please consult the website: placeAZ Klina, augustijnslei 100, 2930 BrasschaatDe Mick, Papenstraat 30, 2930 Brasschaatlocal title:: Medische Bijvoeding en sondevoedingtype_of_procedure: Otherbidding_response_method: Not Available
Gt Ref Id - 80989776
Deadline - May 16, 2024
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