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Medicines For The Needs Of Vúsch, A.S. 33690000-3

Vychodoslovensky ustav srdcovych a cievnych chorob, a.s. Slovakia has Released a tender for Medicines For The Needs Of Vúsch, A.S. 33690000-3 in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Mar 11, 2025.

Country - Slovakia

Summary - Medicines For The Needs Of Vúsch, A.S. 33690000-3

Deadline - Mar 17, 2025

GT reference number - 104810321

Product classification - Various medicinal products

Organization Details:

  Address - Slovakia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104810321

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Medicines for the needs of VÚSCH, a.s. different ATC groups. A more detailed description of the subject of the contract is given in the annexes.local title:: Lieky pre potreby VÚSCH, a.s.33690000-3Contract Type: : Servicelocal descript ion: : Lieky pre potreby VÚSCH, a.s. rôznych ATC skupín. Bližší opis predmetu zákazky je uvedený v prílohách. lot_details: 1: ATC drugs no. B01ad02 I., 2: ATC drugs no. B01ad02 II., 3: ATC drugs no. B01AB06 I., 4: ATC drugs no. B01AB06 II., 5: ATC drugs no. B01AB06 III., 6: ATC drugs no. B01AB06 IV., 7: ATC drugs no. B01AB05 I., 8: Medicines ATC group no.B01AB05 II., 9: ATC drugs no. B01AB05 III., 10: ATC drugs no. B01AB05 IV., 11: ATC

Gt Ref Id - 104810321

Deadline - Mar 17, 2025

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