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Country - Romania
Summary - "Modernization Of Dj213A: Călărași County Limit - Intersection With Dj201 (Mărculești); Intersection With Dn2A (Bucu) - Sânteia - Intersection With Dn21, Dj201: Intersection With Dj213A (Mărculești) - Intersection With Dj212: Intersection With Dj201 - Intersection With Dn2A (Șăndărei)" - Smis Code 319108.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 100025907
Product classification - Road bridge construction work
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100025907
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Execution of works for the investment objective: "Modernization of DJ 213A: Calarasi County Border - intersection with DJ 201 (Marculesti); intersection with DN2A (Bucu) - Scânteia - intersection with DN21, DJ201: intersection with DJ21 3A (Marculesti) - intersection with DJ212; DJ212: intersection with DJ201 - intersection with DN2A (Țăndărei)”, SMIS code: 319108: Lot.3 - “Rehabilitation of the bridge over the Ialomița River at Bucu on DJ213A” - 5,824,201.95 lei excluding VAT Lot.4 - “Rehabilitation of the bridge over the Ialomița River at Țăndărei on DJ212” - 18,898,604.84 lei excluding VAT The contracting authority will respond to requests for clarifications
Gt Ref Id - 100025907
Deadline - Jan 30, 2025
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