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Country - Norway
Summary - Monitoring And Incident Management, Service Agreement
Deadline - Feb 03, 2025
GT reference number - 99896283
Product classification - Programming services of packaged software products
Address - Norway
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99896283
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The competition concerns IT security monitoring (SOC) and incident management (IRT) services. The agreement includes the establishment, operation and maintenance of services for security monitoring of the customer's systems, as well as a ssistance in detecting and handling security threats to the customer's systems. Participating municipalities/companies in the procurement: Karmøy Bokn Haugesund Tysvær Bømlo Stord Kvinnherad Fitjar Haugaland IKT Haugalandsmuseet Haugesund Parking Haugesund municipal pension fund Solstein Sunnhordaland emergency room IKS The following have an option on the agreement: Utsira Haugaland Vekst IKS The value of the procurement is estimated to exceed
Gt Ref Id - 99896283
Deadline - Feb 03, 2025
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