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Country - Germany
Summary - Monitoring Bark Beetle In The Chemnitz Forest District
Deadline - Mar 17, 2025
GT reference number - 103490386
Product classification - Services incidental to forestry
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103490386
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Monitoring bark beetles in various infestation areas in the Chemnitz forest districtlocal title:: Überwachung Borkenkäfer im Forstbezirk ChemnitzContract Duration: : 28 DAYContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Überwachung Borke nkäfer in verschiedenen Befallserfassungsgebieten im Forstbezirk Chemnitz lot_details: 1: Beg 6 Böhrigen, 2: BEG 12a Langenauer Struth, 3: BEG 13a Hammerleubsdorf Nord, 4: BEG 13b Hammerleubsdorf Süd, 5: BEG 14b Augustusburg Nord, 6: Tog 15 faltour south, 7: Comm 16 Falkenau north, 8: Beg 17 Göoha, 9: BEG 18 Kleinolbersdorf, 10: Beg 21 lohwald, 11: Beg 24 snowwald, 12: Beg 25 Oelsnitz/Steegenwald, 13: Beg 26 WT Rabensteiner Wald (partially)
Gt Ref Id - 103490386
Deadline - Mar 17, 2025
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