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Country - Romania
Summary - Monthly Revisions, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Current Programming For The Digital Telephone Exchange, Telephone-Fixed Networks-And Related Analog Terminals, At The Unmb Headquarters, Respectively At The Student House, Both Locations Located In Sector 1, Bucharest
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 104391981
Product classification - Telephone network maintenance services
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104391981
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Monthly review services and maintenance, troubleshooting and current programming for the I.P. -Digital- (fully equipped), respectively at the telephone networks - fixed - and the related analog terminals, from the headquarters of the U.N .M.B., from Ştirbei Vodă street, no. 33-35, and from the student dormitory, from G-ral M. Berthelot street, no. 8, both located in sector 1, Bucharestlocal title:: Revizii lunare, operaţiuni de întreţinere,depanare,programare curentă pentru centrala telefonică digitală, rețele telefonie-fixă-și terminale analogice aferente, la sediul UNMB, respectiv la caminul studențesc, ambele locații situate în Sectorul 1, BucureștiContract Type
Gt Ref Id - 104391981
Deadline - Mar 10, 2025
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