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Country - Canada
Summary - Mountain Avenue - Sewer Trunk Expansion - 4Th St To 8Th St
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 79280340
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Canada
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 79280340
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The Work to be done in this Bid Opportunity in the City of Winkler, for a unit price remuneration, in accordance with the Contract Documents is as follows:The construction of 408m of 375mmØ trenched sewer main along Mountain Avenue with 7 new manhol es.Connect 7 existing manholes to the 7 new manholes with PVC short lengths of sewer pipe and connect 5 existing 250mmØ VCT sewer pipes to 5 of the new manholes.Cut and cap 5 existing 100mmØ sewer services reconnect 2 of these services to the new sewer main.Replace a total of approximately 54m of existing 150mmØ and 26m of 200mmØ water mains at various crossings along Mountain Avenue including the replacement of 1 fire hydrant and 3 water mai
Gt Ref Id - 79280340
Deadline - Mar 19, 2024
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