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Mp -210026 Neb N13 Bellinzona South Roadble - Rimarino, Lot 201, Main Works As An Impresario Manufacturer, East Sector

Ufficio federale delle strade USTRA, divisione infrastruttura stradale Est Switzerland has Released a tender for Mp -210026 Neb N13 Bellinzona South Roadble - Rimarino, Lot 201, Main Works As An Impresario Manufacturer, East Sector in Roads and Highways. The tender was released on Mar 12, 2025.

Country - Switzerland

Summary - Mp -210026 Neb N13 Bellinzona South Roadble - Rimarino, Lot 201, Main Works As An Impresario Manufacturer, East Sector

Deadline - Apr 30, 2025

GT reference number - 104883303

Product classification - Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads

Organization Details:

  Address - Switzerland

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104883303

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The NEB N13 Bellinzona South - Riinozzino project concerns interventions of reorganization of the viability and renewal of the road substructure Along the axis usually called N13.The interventions subject to the competition concern the r oad section that developsBetween km 203+245 and 205+500, including crossings 62 "Al Ponte", 64 "Cadenazzo Center "and 66" Cadenazzo FFS ".Main quantities:▪ demolition in reinforced concrete slabs and not approx. 6,000 m2▪ milling ca. 13'000 m2▪ Place bituminous mixture approx. 10’500 tons▪ Creation of laying of new chambers and wells cables approx. 35 pcs▪ Realization of reinforced concrete foundations for vertical signs approx. 200 m

Gt Ref Id - 104883303

Deadline - Apr 30, 2025

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