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Multi-Awardee Framework Agreement For Subsequent Contracts Geotechnical Services 2024-2027

Eptb Vidourle France has Released a tender for Multi-Awardee Framework Agreement For Subsequent Contracts Geotechnical Services 2024-2027 in Banking And Finance. The tender was released on Feb 29, 2024.

Country - France

Summary - Multi-Awardee Framework Agreement For Subsequent Contracts Geotechnical Services 2024-2027

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 78935819

Product classification - Market and economic research; polling and statistics

Organization Details:

  Address - France

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 78935819

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - multi-awardee framework agreement with subsequent contracts for the provision of geotechnical services on the Vidourle watershed, concluded for a period of one year, renewable twice without its maximum duration exceeding 3 years. As part of the vario us actions, works and studies carried out on its territory, EPTB Vidourle is regularly required to carry out geotechnical investigation missions, aimed at strengthening or building hydraulic structures, such as dikes, dams or basins. This market aims to cover the current needs of EPTB Vidourle in terms of geotechnical surveys. Geotechnical campaigns linked to specific projects will be the subject of separate contracts. The characteristics and con

Gt Ref Id - 78935819

Deadline - Mar 28, 2024

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