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New Building Of The Schillerschule Primary School, Kaiserslautern, Carpentry Work, Din 18355, Painting And Varnishing Work, Din 18363

Stadtverwaltung Kaiserslautern - Stabstelle IV.1 Zentrale Vergabestelle Germany has Released a tender for New Building Of The Schillerschule Primary School, Kaiserslautern, Carpentry Work, Din 18355, Painting And Varnishing Work, Din 18363 in Building. The tender was released on Feb 03, 2025.

Country - Germany

Summary - New Building Of The Schillerschule Primary School, Kaiserslautern, Carpentry Work, Din 18355, Painting And Varnishing Work, Din 18363

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 102631641

Product classification - Primary school construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Germany

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 102631641

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Part 1 of the list of services includes the carpentry work DIN 18355 for the manufacture of the window sill covers inside, made of wood material, HPL-coated, including the required substructure for the new building sections, Building Nor th and Building South.Part 2 describes the services for the manufacture of enclosing frames, DIN 18355, including their initial coating, DIN 18363, as wooden frames made of glued wood, for the wall absorbers to be created on site. The wall absorbers consist of multi-part horizontally or vertically laid acoustic panels, and are attached to the interior wall surfaces of classrooms, the library and multi-purpose room with their own substructure and

Gt Ref Id - 102631641

Deadline - Mar 04, 2025

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