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Country - Germany
Summary - Open House Biologics Discount Agreements 2025-01 - Infliximab
Deadline - Mar 31, 2027
GT reference number - 103282983
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103282983
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The participating health insurance companies aim to conclude discount agreements with all suitable pharmaceutical companies in accordance with Section 130a Paragraph 8 of the Social Security Code (SGB V) for the active ingredient inflixi mab (see below for the division into two lots). The contract is concluded as part of the open house biologics procedure of the participating health insurance companies:local title:: Open-House-Biologika-Rabattverträge 2025-01 - Infliximablocal description: : Die beteiligten Kassen verfolgen das Ziel, mit allen geeigneten pharmazeutischen Unternehmern Rabattverträge nach § 130a Abs. 8 SGB V zu dem Wirkstoff Infliximab (zur Unterteilung in zwei
Gt Ref Id - 103282983
Deadline - Mar 31, 2027
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