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Open-House Drug Discount Contracts In Accordance With Section 130A (8C) Sgb V For The Kv Region Brandenburg

AOK Nordost. Die Gesundheitskasse. Germany has Released a tender for Open-House Drug Discount Contracts In Accordance With Section 130A (8C) Sgb V For The Kv Region Brandenburg in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Mar 06, 2025.

Country - Germany

Summary - Open-House Drug Discount Contracts In Accordance With Section 130A (8C) Sgb V For The Kv Region Brandenburg

Deadline - Feb 21, 2026

GT reference number - 104519759

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Germany

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104519759

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Open House Pharmaceutical discounts in accordance with Section 130a (8c) SGB V for the KV region Brandenburg.local title:: Open-House -Arzneimittelrabattverträge gemäß § 130a Abs. 8c SGB V für die KV-Region BrandenburgContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Open House Arzneimittelrabattverträge gemäß § 130a Abs. 8c SGB V für die KV-Region Brandenburg. lot_details: 1: Bevacizumab (ATC L01FG01), 2: Rituximab (ATC L01FA01), 3: Trastuzumab (ATC L01FD01), 4: Azacitidin (ATC L01BC07), 5: Bortezomib (ATC L01XG01), 6: Irinotecan (ATC L01CE02), 7: Paclitaxel (ATC L01CD01), 8: Pemetrexed (ATC L01BA04)

Gt Ref Id - 104519759

Deadline - Feb 21, 2026

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