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Country - Germany
Summary - Open House Pharmaceutical Discount Contracts For The Active Ingredient Macrogol, Combinations, Atc A06Ad65
Deadline - Jan 31, 2027
GT reference number - 103011530
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103011530
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Scope of procurementShort descriptionCompletion of non-exclusive discount contracts in accordance with Sections 130a (8/13) SGB V to medicinal products with the above-mentioned active ingredient from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2027 with any tim e of the contract (open house model). In the open house process, medicines are excluded according to the BfArM list according to ยง 35 Paragraph 5a SGB V (children's medicine).Description of the procurement (type and scope of the service or specifying the needs and requirements)The AOK Rhineland -Palatinate/Saarland - the health insurance company offers all interested pharmaceutical companies without a selection decision. The contractual conclusi
Gt Ref Id - 103011530
Deadline - Jan 31, 2027
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