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Country - Italy
Summary - Open Procedure Aimed At Signing A Framework Agreement Pursuant To Art. 59 Of Legislative Decree No. 36/2023 For The Assignment Of Ordinary And Extraordinary Maintenance Works Of The Masonry Works Of The Properties Owned And/Or Managed By Acer In The Department Of Naples East Zone 2 Sub Zones E3-E4, West Zone 2 Sub Zones W3-W4
Deadline - Jan 14, 2025
GT reference number - 99608007
Product classification - Building construction work
Address - Italy
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99608007
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Open procedure pursuant to art. 71 of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023 aimed at signing a Framework Agreement pursuant to art. 59 of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023, with a maximum duration of 48 months, for the assignment of ordinary and e xtraordinary maintenance works of the masonry works of the properties owned and/or managed by ACER in the Department of NAPLES, in the Municipalities of Naples and Province "East Zone 2 sub zones E3-E4, West Zone 2 sub zones W3–W4local title:: Procedura aperta finalizzata alla sottoscrizione di un Accordo Quadro ai sensi dell’art. 59 del d. lgs. n. 36/2023per l’affidamento dei lavori di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria delle o
Gt Ref Id - 99608007
Deadline - Jan 14, 2025
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