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Country - Italy
Summary - Open Procedure Pursuant To Art. 71 Of Legislative Decree 36/2023 In N. 2 Separate Functional Lots For The Awarding Of The Supply Of Lmnt Laboratory Instruments Necessary For The Activities Planned In Spoke 05 “Aerospace Science And Technology” Of The Eins Project - Ecs 00000038 - Mission 4 Component 2 “From Research To Business” Investment 1.5 Pnrr
Deadline - Jan 15, 2025
GT reference number - 98980744
Product classification - Research, testing and scientific technical simulator
Address - Italy
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98980744
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Open procedure pursuant to art. 71 of Legislative Decree 36/2023 in n. 2 separate functional lots for the awarding of the SUPPLY OF LMNT LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE ACTIVITIES PLANNED IN SPOKE 05 “Aerospace Science and Tec hnology” of the eINS Project - ECS 00000038 - Mission 4 Component 2 “From research to business” Investment 1.5 PNRRlocal title:: Procedura aperta ai sensi dell’art. 71 del D.Lgs 36/2023 in n. 2 Lotti funzionali distinti per l’affidamento della FORNITURA DI STRUMENTI PER LABORATORIO LMNT NECESSARIA PER LE ATTIVITA’ PREVISTE NELLO SPOKE 05 “Scienza e Tecnologia Aerospaziale” del Progetto eINS - ECS 00000038 - Missione 4 Componente 2
Gt Ref Id - 98980744
Deadline - Jan 15, 2025
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