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Country - Finland
Summary - Operating And Back-Up Batteries And Batteries Dps
Deadline - Apr 14, 2029
GT reference number - 79649264
Product classification - Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries
Address - Finland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 79649264
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description Sansia Oy requests applications to participate in the dynamic procurement system to be established, through which e.g. car batteries, various operational and backup batteries (e.g. for property maintenance machines and equipment and elect ronic aids), various batteries and other similar supplies according to the needs of Sansia Oys shareholders.The procurement is divided into four (4) areas:Subarea 1: Car batteriesSub-area 2: Operating and back-up batteries for property maintenance equipment and machinesSection 3: Batteries for electronic aidsSection 4: BatteriesA tenderer candidate can submit his application for participation in one or more areas.The products to be competed for,
Gt Ref Id - 79649264
Deadline - Apr 14, 2029
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