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Country - Vietnam
Summary - Organize Auction Of Land Lease Rights For Agricultural Production Purposes At The Position Of C86+C87, C90, A5, C81, C91, C93, C115, C89, C96, C98, C92, C99, C100, C101, C104, B3+B4, B14, C59, A7+A8+A9+A10, B14, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune
Deadline - Mar 05, 2026
GT reference number - 104517165
Product classification - Real estate services
Address - Vietnam
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104517165
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Organize Auction Of Land Lease Rights For Agricultural Production Purposes At The Position Of C86+C87, C90, A5, C81, C91, C93, C115, C89, C96, C98, C92, C99, C100, C101, C104, B3+B4, B14, C59, A7+A8+A9+A10, B14, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Commune, Gia Lam Communelocal title:: Tổ chức đấu giá quyền thuê đất phục vụ mục đích sản xuất nông nghiệp tại vị trí C86+C87, C90, A5, C81, C91, C93, C115, C89, C96, C98, C92, C99, C100, C101, C104, B3+B4, B14, C59, A7+A8+A9+A10, B14 xã Đa Tốn, huyện Gia LâmContract Type: : Consultancy lot_details: 1: People's Committee of Da Ton commune
Gt Ref Id - 104517165
Deadline - Mar 05, 2026
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