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Organizing Events And Trainings For Industrial Entities Located In The Region

AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLIKASI DOVLƏT TURIZM AGENTLIYININ QARABAG REGIONAL TURIZM IDARƏSI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Organizing Events And Trainings For Industrial Entities Located In The Region in . The tender was released on Nov 23, 2024.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Organizing Events And Trainings For Industrial Entities Located In The Region

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98224772

Product classification - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98224772

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Organizing Events And Trainings For Industrial Entities Located In The Regionlocal title:: Regionda yerləşən sənaye subyektləri üçün tədbir və təlimlərin keçirilməsi lot_details: 1: Rental of space required for organizing the event, 2: Rental of equipment and a board (screen) for presentation during the event, 3: Speaker rental for an event, 4: Notebook, 5: Pen for note taking, 6: Posters for the event, 7: Booklet printing, 8: Coffee-break (2dəfə), 9: Organizing lunch, 10: Transportation arrangements for the infotour in Sugovushan settlement, 11: Dinner arrangement, 12: Preparation of flash drives related to the event, 13: Bag, 14: Preparation of printed materia

Gt Ref Id - 98224772

Deadline - Dec 06, 2024

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