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Country - Australia
Summary - Parsley Bay Kiosk - Outdoor Area Refurbishment
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 74252190
Product classification - Electrical installation work
Address - Australia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 74252190
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Council is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the outdoor area refurbishment of Parsley Bay Kiosk at 1 Horler Avenue Vaucluse.The Outdoor Area Refurbishment of Parsley Bay Kiosk will comprise of the existing pa ved area located to the north and west of Parsley Bay Kiosk. This includes the paved area underneath the existing pergola.The works will comprise of:• Removal of existing pavers and outdoor seating area roof and battens• Excavation to allow for new deck• New decking• New decking edging• New concrete step ramp and path• New roof to structure• Installation of stormwater line• Paint all existing outdoor timber structure, includes roo
Gt Ref Id - 74252190
Deadline - Nov 30, 2023
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