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Country - Hungary
Summary - Performing Tour Guiding Tasks
Deadline - Feb 01, 2025
GT reference number - 101699592
Product classification - Tourist guide services
Address - Hungary
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 101699592
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Pál-völgyi, Szemlő-hegyi and Buda Castle caves are operated by the Contracting Authority. The main tasks of the successful tenderer within the framework of the services that the Contracting Authority wishes to procure during this procedure are as follows: Part 1: In the case of the Pál-völgyi cave: - Guided tours (on average 40-50 tours per week), - Providing on-site duty during guided tours, - Performing cashier duties and sales of publications, - Tasks related to the management of cave keys. Part 2: In the case of Szemlő-hegyi Cave: - Guided tours (on average 40-50 tours per week), - Providing on-site duty during guided tours, - Performing cashier duties and sales of
Gt Ref Id - 101699592
Deadline - Feb 01, 2025
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