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Pest Control And Disinfection

SENA REGIONAL HUILA GRUPO ADMINISTRATIVO CDATH Colombia has Released a tender for Pest Control And Disinfection in Services. The tender was released on Feb 05, 2025.

Country - Colombia

Summary - Pest Control And Disinfection

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 102742190

Product classification - Pest-control services

Organization Details:

  Address - Colombia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 102742190

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Provide pest, vector, termite and disinfection control services for the Huila Agro-Business and Tourism Development Center of the SENA Huila Regional.local title:: Control de plagas y desinfecciónContract Duration: : 240Díaslocal descr iption: : Prestar el servicio de control de plagas, vectores, termitas y desinfección del Centro de Desarrollo Agroempresarial y Turístico del Huila del SENA Regional Huila. lot_details: 1: Prestar el servicio de fumigación aplicando productos insecticidas y plaguicidas para el control de insectos rastreros y voladores; cucarachas, moscas, zancudos, que afectan las áreas construidas del Centro de Formación - La Plata Huila, Área: 3.882 metr

Gt Ref Id - 102742190

Deadline - Feb 19, 2025

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