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Pilot Clothing

Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskus (70009764) Estonia has Released a tender for Pilot Clothing in Textile, Apparel and Footwear. The tender was released on Feb 25, 2025.

Country - Estonia

Summary - Pilot Clothing

Deadline - Mar 26, 2025

GT reference number - 103928956

Product classification - Flying clothing

Organization Details:

  Address - Estonia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103928956

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The object of the procurement is different pilot clothing, which protects the person from temperature fluctuations and wind. Clothing can include underwear, jackets, pants, overalls, gloves, pipe scarves, etc. and accompanied by accessor ies and, if necessary, life -related life cycles such as maintenance and repair.local title:: Lenduri riidevarustuslocal description: : Hanke esemeks on erinev lenduri riidevarustus, mis kaitseb isikut temperatuurikõikumiste ja tuule eest. Riidevarustuse hulgas võivad olla aluspesu, joped, püksid, kombinesoonid, kindad, torusallid jms ning nende juurde kuuluvad aksessuaarid ning vajadusel varustusega seotud elutsükliteenused nagu hooldus ja r

Gt Ref Id - 103928956

Deadline - Mar 26, 2025

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