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Country - United Kingdom
Summary - Place Making Consultancy Services Framework
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 80843541
Product classification - Equal opportunities consultancy services
Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 80843541
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Scottish Borders Council would like to engage with consultancy services suppliers to gather feedback on a proposed Framework Agreement for the provision of Place Making Consultancy Services.Currently we anticipate that the Framework will be split into two lots, as described below. However, we would welcome all market engagement to help develop the terms of the Framework prior to a tender being released.Lot 1 – Local Place Plan Consultantfor community consultation services to enable the facilitation and creation of Local Place Plans.Lot 2 – Town Investment Plan Consultantfor the facilitation and creation of Town Investment Plans to support the Place Plans. The Town Investment
Gt Ref Id - 80843541
Deadline - Jul 27, 2023
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