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Plan To Select Contractors For Some Packages In The Investment Preparation Phase Of The Project: Renovation And Upgrading Of Rural Traffic Roads In Tan Tin Vong Village (Route 1: From Dong Vong Cemetery To Den Nam Tuc Bridge, Route 2: From Den Nam Tuc Bridge To Tin Don Transformer Station) Liem Tuc Commune, Thanh Liem District

UỶ BAN NHAN DAN XA LIEM TUC, HUYỆN THANH LIEM, TỈNH HA NAM Vietnam has Released a tender for Plan To Select Contractors For Some Packages In The Investment Preparation Phase Of The Project: Renovation And Upgrading Of Rural Traffic Roads In Tan Tin Vong Village (Route 1: From Dong Vong Cemetery To Den Nam Tuc Bridge, Route 2: From Den Nam Tuc Bridge To Tin Don Transformer Station) Liem Tuc Commune, Thanh Liem District in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Jan 25, 2025.

Country - Vietnam

Summary - Plan To Select Contractors For Some Packages In The Investment Preparation Phase Of The Project: Renovation And Upgrading Of Rural Traffic Roads In Tan Tin Vong Village (Route 1: From Dong Vong Cemetery To Den Nam Tuc Bridge, Route 2: From Den Nam Tuc Bridge To Tin Don Transformer Station) Liem Tuc Commune, Thanh Liem District

Deadline - Jan 24, 2026

GT reference number - 102223651

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Vietnam

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 102223651

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Plan To Select Contractors For Some Packages In The Investment Preparation Phase Of The Project: Renovation And Upgrading Of Rural Traffic Roads In Tan Tin Vong Village (Route 1: From Dong Vong Cemetery To Den Nam Tuc Bridge, Route 2: F rom Den Nam Tuc Bridge To Tin Don Transformer Station) Liem Tuc Commune, Thanh Liem Districtlocal title:: Kế hoạch lựa chọn nhà thầu một số gói thầu giai đoạn chuẩn bị đầu tư công trình: Cải tạo, nâng cấp đường GTNT thôn Tân Tín Vọng (Tuyến 1: từ nghĩa trang đồng Vọng đến cầu Đen Nam Túc, Tuyến 2: từ cầu Đen Nam Túc đến trạm biến thế Tín Đôn) xã Liêm Túc, huy

Gt Ref Id - 102223651

Deadline - Jan 24, 2026

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