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Country - Poland
Summary - Po/24/2024 "Collection, Transport And Management Of Waste Generated In The Process Of Sewage Treatment From The Coś In Gliwice, The Sewage Treatment Plant In Smolnica, The Waste Discharge Station (Hereinafter Referred To As The Szo) On The Premises Of The Coś In Gliwice (I.E. Waste Generated From Sewage Cleaning), The Pumping Station At Ul. Królowej Tamy In Gliwice, Ul. Główna In Gliwice, Ul. Nad Kanałem In Gliwice, Ul. Nad Łąkami In Pyskowice, Ul. Mickiewicza 116 In Pyskowice And The Lagoons At Ul. Kujawska In Gliwice."
Deadline - Dec 30, 2024
GT reference number - 99985818
Product classification - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99985818
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Dear Sirs,The annexes to the procedure include the specification and other documentation related to the subject of the order.1. The subject of the order includes the performance of the task entitled "Collection, transport and management of waste generated in the process of sewage treatment from the COŚ in Gliwice, the sewage treatment plant in Smolnica, the waste discharge station (hereinafter referred to as the SZO) on the premises of the COŚ in Gliwice (i.e. waste generated from cleaning the sewage system), the pumping station at ul. Królowej Tamy in Gliwice, ul. Główna in Gliwice, ul. Nad Kanałem in Gliwice, ul. Nad Łąkami in Pyskowice, ul. Mickiewicza 116 in Pyskowic
Gt Ref Id - 99985818
Deadline - Dec 30, 2024
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