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Country - Poland
Summary - Preparation Of Design And Cost Estimate Documentation For The Adaptation Of The Building Complex Located At Senatorska Street 6/8, Senatorska Street 10 And Miodowa Street 5 In Warsaw, Administered By The 1St Branch Of The Social Insurance Institution In Warsaw, To Fire Protection Regulations And The Modernization Of The Fire Alarm System And Cctv, Along With The Author'S Supervision.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99409353
Product classification - Engineering design services
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99409353
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The purpose of the order is to develop design and cost estimate documentation for adapting the ZUS building complex at 6/8 Senatorska Street and 5 Miodowa Street in Warsaw to fire protection requirements and to obtain the consents/permit s required by law to carry out the modernisation of the buildings in this respect.local title:: Wykonanie dokumentacji projektowo – kosztorysowej dostosowania kompleksu budynków zlokalizowanych przy ul. Senatorskiej 6/8, ul. Senatorskiej 10 i Miodowej 5 w Warszawie, administrowanych przez I Oddział ZUS w Warszawie do przepisów ppoż. oraz modernizacji SSP i CCTV, wraz z pełnieniem nadzoru autorskiego.Contract Type: : Servicelocal descriptio
Gt Ref Id - 99409353
Deadline - Dec 20, 2024
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