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Country - Poland
Summary - Preparation Of Technical And Legal Documentation For: 1) Nowy Janków, Ul. Okopowa, Plot 270/13, 270/15, 270/16, 270/17, Radzymin Commune (24-03715, 24-03716) 2) Ruda, Plot 290/12, Radzymin Commune (23-04609) 3) Ciemne, Plot 233/40, 234/30, 235/27, 236/28, 233/38, 234/29, 235/26, 236/27, Commune Radzymin (24-02650, 24-02655) 4) Karolino, Plot 71/22, 71/23, 71/24, Serock Commune (24-00249, 24-00250, 24-00251)
Deadline - Feb 10, 2025
GT reference number - 102582910
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102582910
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Preparation Of Technical And Legal Documentation For: 1) Nowy Janków, Ul. Okopowa, Plot 270/13, 270/15, 270/16, 270/17, Radzymin Commune (24-03715, 24-03716) 2) Ruda, Plot 290/12, Radzymin Commune (23-04609) 3) Ciemne, Plot 233/40, 234 /30, 235/27, 236/28, 233/38, 234/29, 235/26, 236/27, Commune Radzymin (24-02650, 24-02655) 4) Karolino, Plot 71/22, 71/23, 71/24, Serock Commune (24-00249, 24-00250, 24-00251)local title:: Opracowanie dokumentacji techniczno-prawnej dla: 1) Nowy Janków, ul. Okopowa, dz. 270/13, 270/15, 270/16, 270/17, gm. Radzymin (24-03715, 24-03716) 2) Ruda, dz. 290/12, gm. Radzymin (23-04609) 3) Ciemne, dz. 233/40, 234/30, 235/27, 236/28, 233/38, 234/29, 235/
Gt Ref Id - 102582910
Deadline - Feb 10, 2025
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