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Preparatory Market Consultations - Work And Safety Footwear

Urad pre verejne obstaravanie Slovakia has Released a tender for Preparatory Market Consultations - Work And Safety Footwear in Textile, Apparel and Footwear. The tender was released on Jul 03, 2024.

Country - Slovakia

Summary - Preparatory Market Consultations - Work And Safety Footwear

Deadline - Jul 02, 2025

GT reference number - 83559266

Product classification - Protective footwear

Organization Details:

  Address - Slovakia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 83559266

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Preparatory market consultations (hereinafter referred to as "PTK") for the purpose of subsequent preparation of the public processprocurement, informing economic entities about the planned public procurement procedure and carrying out e xpert consultations with the aim of obtaining information for establishing a non-discriminatory description of the subject of the contract and verifying the timeliness, objectivity and adequacy of the pre-determined requirements for the fulfillment of the subject of the contract as well as establishing non-discriminatory conditions of participation for economicentities on the market and for the purpose of determining the current expected value of

Gt Ref Id - 83559266

Deadline - Jul 02, 2025

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