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Prequalification Moskenes Substation - Submarine Cables

Elmea AS Norway has Released a tender for Prequalification Moskenes Substation - Submarine Cables in Energy, Power and Electrical. The tender was released on Dec 23, 2024.

Country - Norway

Summary - Prequalification Moskenes Substation - Submarine Cables

Deadline - Jan 31, 2025

GT reference number - 100402864

Product classification - Insulated wire and cable

Organization Details:

  Address - Norway

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 100402864

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The client hereby invites prequalification for competition for the contract Moskenes transformer station - submarine cables in the project Vest-Lofoten Nettforsterkning. Elmea plans to build a new 33/22 kV transformer station in Seljevik a in Moskenes municipality, with a connection to the existing Solbjørn transformer station via a 33kV submarine cable system. The new transformer station will replace the existing Å transformer station and Elmea plans to establish a 22kV submarine cable system from Seljevika to Å. The start of the contract is scheduled for 01.04.2025local title:: Prekvalifisering Moskenes transformatorstasjon - SjøkablerContract Type: : Workslocal description

Gt Ref Id - 100402864

Deadline - Jan 31, 2025

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