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* Price Registration * Price Registration For Future And Eventual Acquisition Of Glp Gas Consumer Materials Only Content, Mineral Water, Coffee, Sugar, Milk Powder, Liquid Sweetener.

Departamento de Policia Rodoviaria Federal - 19a Superintendencia Regional de Policia Rodoviaria Federal Brazil has Released a tender for * Price Registration * Price Registration For Future And Eventual Acquisition Of Glp Gas Consumer Materials Only Content, Mineral Water, Coffee, Sugar, Milk Powder, Liquid Sweetener. in Chemicals. The tender was released on Feb 07, 2025.

Country - Brazil

Summary - * Price Registration * Price Registration For Future And Eventual Acquisition Of Glp Gas Consumer Materials Only Content, Mineral Water, Coffee, Sugar, Milk Powder, Liquid Sweetener.

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 102880434

Product classification - Chemical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Brazil

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 102880434

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: * Price Registration * * Electronic Bidding * Price Registration For Future And Eventual Acquisition Of Glp Gas Consumer Materials Only Content, Mineral Water, Coffee, Sugar, Milk Powder, Liquid Sweetener.local title:: * Registro de pre ços * * Licitação Eletrônica * Registro de preços para futura e eventual aquisição de materiais de consumo GÁS GLP apenas o conteúdo, ÁGUA MINERAL, CAFÉ, AÇÚCAR, LEITE EM PÓ, ADOÇANTE LÍQUIDO. lot_details: 1: Gás refino de petróleo, 2: Água Mineral Natural, 3: Café, 4: Açúcar, 5: Leite Em Pó, 6: Adoçante, 7: Gás refino de petróleo, 8: Água Mineral Natural, 9: Gás refino de petróleo, 10: Água Mineral Natural, 11: Gás

Gt Ref Id - 102880434

Deadline - Mar 06, 2025

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