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* Price Registry * Acquisition Of Inputs From The "Special Gases" Categories, For The Benefit Of Lfda-Mg Laboratories.

MINISTERIO DA AGRICULTURA, PECUARIA E ABASTECIMENTO - Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuaria - Coordenacao Geral de Apoio Laboratorial - Laboratorio Nacional Agropecuario - LANAGRO MG - Unidade em Pedro Leopoldo Brazil has Released a tender for * Price Registry * Acquisition Of Inputs From The "Special Gases" Categories, For The Benefit Of Lfda-Mg Laboratories. in Chemicals. The tender was released on Dec 02, 2024.

Country - Brazil

Summary - * Price Registry * Acquisition Of Inputs From The "Special Gases" Categories, For The Benefit Of Lfda-Mg Laboratories.

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98875934

Product classification - Chemical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Brazil

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98875934

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: * Price Registry * * Electronic Bidding * Acquisition Of Inputs From The "Special Gases" Categories, For The Benefit Of Lfda-Mg Laboratories.local title:: * Registro de preços * * Licitação Eletrônica * Aquisição de insumos das ca tegorias "Gases especiais", em proveito dos laboratórios do LFDA-MG. lot_details: 1: Gás comprimido, 2: Gás comprimido, 3: Gás comprimido, 4: Gás comprimido, 5: Gás comprimido, 6: Gás comprimido, 7: Gás comprimido, 8: Regulador pressão

Gt Ref Id - 98875934

Deadline - Dec 12, 2024

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