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Page 1 of 31 Sealed Quotations from eligible, reputed printers for printing, packing and supply of Training Resource Material of BIRD (Advance Module of FPO) Name of the Bidder: Address: CALENDAR EVENTS ISSUE OF NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) 05 July 2023 DATE OF PRE-BID MEETING 17 July 2023 (12:00 PM) LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDERS 25 July 2023 (03:00 PM) DATE OF OPENING OF TECHNICAL BIDS 25July 2023 (03:30 PM) DATE OF OPENING OF PRICE BIDS Will be advised after opening of Technical Bids. Bankers Institute of Rural Development An Institution promoted by NABARD Sector-H, LDA Colony Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226 012 Page 2 of 31 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Ref. No. BIRD. LKO/ 308 /Stationery/2023-24 04 July 2023 M/s, Dear Sir, Sealed Quotations from eligible, reputed printers for printing, packing and supply of Training Resource Material of BIRD (Advance Module of FPO) Banker’s Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow invites Sealed Quotations from eligible, reputed printers for printing, packing and supply of Training Resource Material of BIRD (Advance Module of FPO). Applicants are requested to submit their offer in sealed envelope for the aforesaid work as per terms and conditions and other requirements as mentioned more specifically elsewhere in this document. 2. Applicants are advised to submit their quotation which can be downloaded from our website 3. Properly filled applications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope duly furnishing all the required information. Envelope should be super-scribed as “Sealed Quotations from eligible, reputed printers for printing, packing and supply of Training Resource Material of BIRD (Advance Module of FPO)” and addressed to “Director, Bankers Institute of Rural Development, Sector-H, LDA Colony, Lucknow” so as to reach this office latest by 1500 hours on 25 July.2023. The quotations shall be submitted in ‘Original’ to Banker’s Institute of Rural Development. The sealed covers comprising Part-I (Integrity pact) PartII (Technical bid) and Part-III (Price bid) 4. The bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance for 03 months from the date of submission. 5. EMD may be paid by Demand Draft of Rs 38000/- (Rupees Thirty Eight Thousand only), drawn in favour of Bankers Institute of Rural Development, payable at Lucknow or directly credited by NEFT to BIRD’s Current Account Number-921020044058630 maintained with Axis Bank Main Branch, MG Road, Lucknow, 226001 (IFSC Code- UTIB0000053). No Bank guarantee shall be accepted. 6. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled to be conducted at 11:00hours on 17 July 2023 at our office in above address. Bidders or their authorized representatives are requested attend the meeting. The decisions taken by the Banker’s Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow on the queries Page 3 of 31 raised by various bidders, will also be part of the quotation. Hence, interested parties are advised to attend the pre-bid meeting or see the clarifications of the pre-bid meeting which will be uploaded on website subsequently. 7. Quotations shall be opened at 1530 hours on 25 July 2023 in the presence of the bidders/their authorized representatives, who chose to be present. 8. The bids shall be accepted only in respect of those bidders whose quotations are in line with the requirements as per the conditions of this document and if the same is acceptable to BIRD, Lucknow. The decision of BIRD, Lucknow in this regard shall be binding on the bidders and not open to question or appeals. 9. Quotations received later than the time and date prescribed, on account of any reason whatsoever as also telegraphic and faxed quotations shall not be considered. 10. Banker’s Institute of Rural Development reserves the right to accept any or reject all the applications without assigning any reason thereof. 11. Any conditional offer will not be accepted. For any clarifications, you may contact Accounts Section personally or by sending e-mail at Yours faithfully Sd/ (Samriti Bhagat) Deputy General Manager (Admin) Page 4 of 31 PART-I TECHNICAL BID Page 5 of 31 Quotations from eligible, reputed printers for printing, packing and supply of Training Resource Material of BIRD (Advance Module of FPO) Form of Quotation The Director Banker’s Institute of Rural Development Lucknow-226012 Dear Sir, I/We have read and understood the Request for Quotation and contents and instructions in the quotation document such as Scope of Work, Scale of Charges, Method of Payment, Time Schedule for Assignment, Price Bid instructions and other terms and conditions of this document. I/We hereby declare that the information furnished by me/us in the quotation document is correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Memorandum: (a) Description of work: Quotations from eligible, reputed printers for printing, packing and supply of Training Resource Material of BIRD (Advance Module of FPO).” (b) Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 38,000/- Should this quotation be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfil the terms and provisions or the said conditions of the quotation annexed hereto so far as they may be applicable or in default thereof to forfeit the EMD and pay to the Banker’s Institute of Rural Development, the amount mentioned in the said quotation conditions. The names of partners of our firm are: (i) (ii) Name of the partner of the firm Authorized to sign Yours faithfully, Signature Date: Place: Note: Bankers Institute of Rural Development Lucknow, which is a training establishment of National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, shall hereinafter be referred as “BIRD”. Page 6 of 31 Request for Proposal Ban |