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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Procurement Of Capital Repair Works For Multi-Apartment Residential Buildings On Garabagh Street, Jafar Jabbarli Street And Zarifa Aliyeva Street In Masalli City
Deadline - Dec 17, 2024
GT reference number - 98940133
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services of building installations
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98940133
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Procurement Of Capital Repair Works For Multi-Apartment Residential Buildings On Garabagh Street, Jafar Jabbarli Street And Zarifa Aliyeva Street In Masalli Citylocal title:: Masallı şəhərində Qarabağ küçəsi, Cəfər Cabbarlı küçəsi və Zərifə Əliyeva küçəsində çoxmənzilli yaşayış binalarının əsaslı təmiri işlərinin satın alınması lot_details: 1: Laying a sand-gravel layer (6 cm) on the side of the building in preparation for asphalt, 2: Laying asphalt pavement on the side of the building (6 cm), 3: Laying a layer of gravel on the podium of the building, 4: Putting a metal mesh on the podium of the building, 5: Concreting the podium part of th
Gt Ref Id - 98940133
Deadline - Dec 17, 2024
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