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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Procurement Of Electrical Goods And Equipment
Deadline - Mar 19, 2025
GT reference number - 103643974
Product classification - Adhesive tape of rubberised textiles
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103643974
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Procurement Of Electrical Goods And Equipmentlocal title:: Elektrik mal-materiallarının və avadanlıqların satınalınması lot_details: 1: Kabel 3*4 AVVQ, 2: Kabel 2*10 AVVQ, 3: Kabel 4*6 AVVQ, 4: Kabel 4*10 AVVQ, 5: Kabel 3*16+1*1 0 AVVQ, 6: Kabel 3*25+1*16 AVVQ, 7: Kabel 4*10+1*6 AVVQ, 8: Kabel 4*16+1*10 AVVQ, 9: Kabel 4*25+1*16 AVVQ, 10: Cable H07Z1-K 1*1.5, 11: Cable H07Z1-K 1*2,5, 12: Cable H07Z1-K 1*4, 13: Cable PVS 2*0.75, 14: Kabel PVS 4x1,5, 15: Kabel PVS 2x1,5, 1: Kabel PVS 2x2,5, 2: Kabel PVS 3x1,5, 3: Kabel PVS 3x2,5, 4: Kabel 5*6 VVQ (A), 5: Kabel 5*16 VVQ (A), 6: Kabel 5*10 VVQ (A), 7: Kabel 5*25 VVQ (A), 8: SİP cable 2x10, 9: SİP kabel 2x16, 10: 4x16 cable
Gt Ref Id - 103643974
Deadline - Mar 19, 2025
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