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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Procurement Of Stationery Stationery In The Office Of Corat Settlement Of Sumgayit City Executive Power
Deadline - Mar 19, 2025
GT reference number - 104398591
Product classification - Writing paper
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104398591
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Procurement Of Stationery Stationery In The Office Of Corat Settlement Of Sumgayit City Executive Powerlocal title:: Sumqayıt Şəhər İcra Hakimiyyəti başçısının Corat qəsəbə İnzibati Ərazi Dairəsi üzrə nümayəndəliy dəftərxana və təsərrüfat mallarının satınalınması lot_details: 1: Archive folder A4, 2: Fayl A4 40mic, 3: Paper A4 80Q, 4: Folder paper yarn, 5: Pen 0.7mm, 6: Stationery book 100V, 7: Whitening 8ml, 8: Kley 36q, 9: Pencil Simple, 10: Nephew, 11: Skrepka n3, 12: Stepler's stuffing is 24/6, 13: Cleaning tool (domestos), 14: Liquid soap 5l (for hand), 15: Glass Cleansing Spray, 1: Glass Cleansing Cloth Fabric, 2: Floor cloth, 3: Xlor (A
Gt Ref Id - 104398591
Deadline - Mar 19, 2025
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