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Procurement Of The Service Service And Spare Parts Change Service For Boilership, Heating And Ventilation Systems

DAXILI ISLƏR NAZIRLIYI XƏZRI ISTIRAHƏT VƏ SAGLAMLIQ MƏRKƏZI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Procurement Of The Service Service And Spare Parts Change Service For Boilership, Heating And Ventilation Systems in Machinery and Equipments. The tender was released on Mar 06, 2025.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Procurement Of The Service Service And Spare Parts Change Service For Boilership, Heating And Ventilation Systems

Deadline - Apr 07, 2025

GT reference number - 104465702

Product classification - Ventilation ducting

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104465702

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Procurement Of The Service Service And Spare Parts Change Service For Boilership, Heating And Ventilation Systemslocal title:: Qazanxana, isitmə-soyutma və havalandırma sistemlərinə dövrü texniki servis və ehtiyyat hissələrini n dəyişdirilməsi xidmətinin satınalınması lot_details: 1: CHİLLER GREE, 2: CHİLLER CARRIER, 3: CHİLLER CARRIER, 4: VRF, 5: VRF, 6: VRF, 7: VRF, 8: AHU, 9: AHU, 10: AHU, 11: FANKOIL MC.QUAY, 12: Boiling room, 13: Boiling room, 14: Boiling room, 15: Boiling room, 1: Boiling room, 2: Comingy, 3: Comingy, 4: Tribes, 5: Tribes, 6: Tribes, 7: Expansion tank, 8: Expansion tank, 9: Expansion tank, 10: Galvanized Sac Air Channel 0.70mm, 11: Galv

Gt Ref Id - 104465702

Deadline - Apr 07, 2025

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