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Product/Service Quant. Unit Product/Service: Methyl Alcohol Description: 24 Liter Methyl Alcohol Product/Service: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa Description: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa 24 Liter Product/Service: Acetone Pa Description: Acetone Pa 10 Liter Product/Service: Sodium Sulfate - Sds 500 G Description: Dodecil Sodium Sulfate Sds 500 G 2 Unit Product/Service: Metila Red Description: Methyl Red 1 Unit Product/Service: Bromocresol Green 5 G Description: Green Bromocresol 5 Pa G 1 Unit Product/Service: Sodium Carbonate Description: Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate Pa 1 Kg 2 Kilogram Product/Service: Hexano Description: Hexano Pa 24 Liter Product/Service: Folin Denis Reactive Description: Folin Denis 1 Liter Reactive Product/Service: Iron Sulphate Iii And Ammonium 500 G Description: Iron Sulphate Iii And Ammonium 500 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Bipiridine 2.2 Pa 5 G Description: Bipiridine 2.2 Pa 5 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Thioglycorico 500 Ml Acid Description: Thioglycoric Acid 500 Ml 1 Unit Product/Service: Vanillin 100 G Description: Vanillin 100 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Tris Hydroxyimethyl Aminomethane Pa 100 G Description: Tris Hydroxyimethyl Aminomethane Pa 100 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Dimethylsulfoxide Pa Description: Dimethylsulfoxide Pa 2 Liter Product/Service: Galic Acid Description: Anhydrous Gallic Acid Pure 250 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Pa Sodium Hydroxide Description: Sodium Hydroxide Pa 1 Kg 4 Bottle Product/Service: 2.2 Diphenil-1-Picril-Hidrazila 1 G Description: 2.2 Diphenil 1 Picril Hydrazila 1 G 1 Unit

Fundacao de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa, Extensao e Interiorizacao do IFAM- FAEPI Brazil has Released a tender for Product/Service Quant. Unit Product/Service: Methyl Alcohol Description: 24 Liter Methyl Alcohol Product/Service: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa Description: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa 24 Liter Product/Service: Acetone Pa Description: Acetone Pa 10 Liter Product/Service: Sodium Sulfate - Sds 500 G Description: Dodecil Sodium Sulfate Sds 500 G 2 Unit Product/Service: Metila Red Description: Methyl Red 1 Unit Product/Service: Bromocresol Green 5 G Description: Green Bromocresol 5 Pa G 1 Unit Product/Service: Sodium Carbonate Description: Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate Pa 1 Kg 2 Kilogram Product/Service: Hexano Description: Hexano Pa 24 Liter Product/Service: Folin Denis Reactive Description: Folin Denis 1 Liter Reactive Product/Service: Iron Sulphate Iii And Ammonium 500 G Description: Iron Sulphate Iii And Ammonium 500 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Bipiridine 2.2 Pa 5 G Description: Bipiridine 2.2 Pa 5 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Thioglycorico 500 Ml Acid Description: Thioglycoric Acid 500 Ml 1 Unit Product/Service: Vanillin 100 G Description: Vanillin 100 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Tris Hydroxyimethyl Aminomethane Pa 100 G Description: Tris Hydroxyimethyl Aminomethane Pa 100 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Dimethylsulfoxide Pa Description: Dimethylsulfoxide Pa 2 Liter Product/Service: Galic Acid Description: Anhydrous Gallic Acid Pure 250 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Pa Sodium Hydroxide Description: Sodium Hydroxide Pa 1 Kg 4 Bottle Product/Service: 2.2 Diphenil-1-Picril-Hidrazila 1 G Description: 2.2 Diphenil 1 Picril Hydrazila 1 G 1 Unit in Chemicals. The tender was released on Mar 05, 2025.

Country - Brazil

Summary - Product/Service Quant. Unit Product/Service: Methyl Alcohol Description: 24 Liter Methyl Alcohol Product/Service: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa Description: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa 24 Liter Product/Service: Acetone Pa Description: Acetone Pa 10 Liter Product/Service: Sodium Sulfate - Sds 500 G Description: Dodecil Sodium Sulfate Sds 500 G 2 Unit Product/Service: Metila Red Description: Methyl Red 1 Unit Product/Service: Bromocresol Green 5 G Description: Green Bromocresol 5 Pa G 1 Unit Product/Service: Sodium Carbonate Description: Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate Pa 1 Kg 2 Kilogram Product/Service: Hexano Description: Hexano Pa 24 Liter Product/Service: Folin Denis Reactive Description: Folin Denis 1 Liter Reactive Product/Service: Iron Sulphate Iii And Ammonium 500 G Description: Iron Sulphate Iii And Ammonium 500 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Bipiridine 2.2 Pa 5 G Description: Bipiridine 2.2 Pa 5 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Thioglycorico 500 Ml Acid Description: Thioglycoric Acid 500 Ml 1 Unit Product/Service: Vanillin 100 G Description: Vanillin 100 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Tris Hydroxyimethyl Aminomethane Pa 100 G Description: Tris Hydroxyimethyl Aminomethane Pa 100 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Dimethylsulfoxide Pa Description: Dimethylsulfoxide Pa 2 Liter Product/Service: Galic Acid Description: Anhydrous Gallic Acid Pure 250 G 1 Unit Product/Service: Pa Sodium Hydroxide Description: Sodium Hydroxide Pa 1 Kg 4 Bottle Product/Service: 2.2 Diphenil-1-Picril-Hidrazila 1 G Description: 2.2 Diphenil 1 Picril Hydrazila 1 G 1 Unit

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 104436685

Product classification - Chemical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Brazil

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104436685

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Product/Service Quant. UnitProduct/Service: Methyl AlcoholDescription: 24 Liter Methyl AlcoholProduct/Service: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % PaDescription: Absolute Ethyl Alcohol 99.5 % Pa 24 LiterProduct/Service: Acetone PaDescription: Acetone Pa 10 LiterProduct/Service: Sodium Sulfate - Sds 500 GDescription: Dodecil Sodium Sulfate Sds 500 G 2 UnitProduct/Service: Metila RedDescription: Methyl Red 1 UnitProduct/Service: Bromocresol Green 5 GDescription: Green Bromocresol 5 Pa G 1 UnitProduct/Service: Sodium CarbonateDescription: Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate Pa 1 Kg 2 KilogramProduct/Service: HexanoDescription: Hexano Pa 24 LiterProduct/Service: Folin Denis ReactiveDescription: F

Gt Ref Id - 104436685

Deadline - Mar 06, 2025

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