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Country - Australia
Summary - Professional Services For Flood Mitigation Solutions For Maribyrnong River Catchment
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 90068243
Product classification - Research consultancy services
Address - Australia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 90068243
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Melbourne Water seeks a proposal to provide a comprehensive options assessment of long-term sustainable flood mitigation solutions for the Maribyrnong River catchment, both traditional and new innovative solutions.local title:: Professio nal Services for Flood Mitigation Solutions for Maribyrnong River Catchmentcategory: UNSPSC 1: 81000000 - Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services - 25%UNSPSC 2: 77000000 - Environmental Services - 25%UNSPSC 3: 70000000 - Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Contracting Services - 25%UNSPSC 4: 80000000 - Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services - 25%
Gt Ref Id - 90068243
Deadline - Aug 30, 2024
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